Do you like flowers? I like flowers, or more accurately, I like imaginative photos of flowers. I wanted to make such pictures, so today I dragged poor Polly all over town while I searched for the "perfect" flower. Incidentally, I had bought one the day before that I was very pleased with. I brought it home and stuck it in a vase with a bunch of old wilted flowers on our dining room table. I had to get to work and didn't want to take the time to put them in a new vase. Sadly, when I came home for work, my new little flower was gone. It wasn't noticed amongst the old ones and it got "cleaned up". (This might be a powerful allegory about human relationships, but the caffeine is wearing off and I'm not willing to explore this possibility right now.) You wouldn't believe how upset I got over this. It was way, way out of proportion to the incident. Not because of the $6.00 I had spent, but because I had scoured all the local floral shops and I was ...