Glacier National Park Work has been great, but busy so I haven't had a lot of time for to get out and take pictures. I could have taken some time when in Minnesota, but I was more interested in relaxing, visiting with friends and family, and laying around. I've definitely had the bug lately so on Saturday afternoon I threw a half packed bag of stuff in the trunk of the car and drove up to Glacier for about 36 hours. The weather was terrible (terrific for most people -blue skies, breezy, hot) for photographers. I slept in my car, hiding from the rangers so I wouldn't get a ticket. Even though Glacier is huge, it is hard to hide in a car since there is basically one road that goes through the park and the fuzz is pretty adamant about keeping freeloaders from staying overnight without paying a camping fee. Anyone who goes on photography trips will tell you ---they are not relaxing. Up a couple hours before dawn and in bed after midnight. I probably hiked about 15 m...