There is inertia, and momentum, in everything. I see inertia all around me every day, especially at work. Personal inertia keeps people from picking themselves up, moving forward, improving. It is a natural law that keeps the substance around us from randomly shuffling about. For artists, it can be a debilitating force that prevents the expansion of talents and inventiveness. But there is also momentum. Momentum keeps you moving. Makes it difficult to change course. I feel that right now, there is some momentum pushing me in my photography. I think it started in March when I picked up and headed out with some cameras and, more importantly, some film. When shooting, I always have this sense of excitement and anticipation, but with digital it quickly fades. I shoot, edit, and post - sometimes all in the same day. Each photo and location is a self contained event. But with film, the photography spans over days, weeks, sometimes even months. I make a picture and then wait for developme...